How Acceptance Can Free Yourself from Wedding Anxiety

First off, just because you’re nervous doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t get married. It’s also not a sign that you are going to ruin the wedding, or that anything will go wrong! In fact, it’s totally okay to be nervous! It happens to most people on their wedding day, some more than others. If your worries seem as giant as Party Bus Rentals, then read on to learn how to combat these intrusive thoughts!
Realize that anxiety is imaginary.

Most of the time the things we tend to be concerned about never actually materialize! If you consider yourself a bit of a chronic worrier, or usually start to think about all the things that can go wrong, then if you really stop and take a look back on some of your concerns—you’ll be probably find that they were unrealistic. Maybe some are even just plain silly now. Or you can laugh as them as if you were having a good time in a Party Bus For Kids. That’s because at the time we get so wrapped in the way things are supposed to be, or what might happen instead of enjoying the moment. Anxiety takes you out of the present because it fills your head with concerns of the future. That’s why anxiety is imaginary—it’s a fear of what could be.
The problem with planning for what could be is that, if something were to actually happen—it’s more than difficult to stop and act exactly as you had planned. So planning is usually futile. Acceptance is a much better practice than planning. Almost as great as our Party Bus Rental.
If you can expect that there are always possibilities, but don’t focus on them—you can in since avoid these possibilities by being more in the moment and enjoying what is happening right in front of you instead of being trapped inside your head.