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4 Easy Ways to Avoid Sunburn During Your Summer Wedding

Las Vegas Limos

Summer is a fantastic time of year to get married, Las Vegas Limos are cheap, and there’s a breeze in the air, but we undoubtedly must face the heat. It might be an understatement to mention that no one enjoys sunburn, but often we are so caught up in what is going on that we don’t notice when sunburn is happening until later that evening.

Party Bus Las Vegas

So if you would like you and your guests to focus on staying happy like a Party Bus Las Vegas loves, instead of worrying about how damaged your skin may turn out, read these great tips.

Party Bus Missouri

Stay safe like a ride on a Party Bus Missouri recommends and do bring sunblock! Some sunblock lotions can leave the skin feeling oily and less than pleasant, but companies are developing lighter blends. As an alternative, mineral based sunscreen are becoming increasingly popular, reportedly with less oily residues. Sunscreens make excellent wedding party favors as well.

Las Vegas Limo Service

Wear a hat. It may sound odd to be seen striding around the wedding in a hat, but take the time to do a quick image search; you can nail quite an elegant look with the right hat. Not only will you look as good as our Las Vegas Limo Service, but you’ll save your scalp, face, and neck from sun damage.

Charter Bus Missouri

It may be a good idea to select a venue that features both indoor and outdoor space. If you want your guests to feel as if they’re on a comfortable Charter Bus Missouri loves, then this is a great start.

Set up shelter. From tents to barns, guests should have a way to escape the sun.



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