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Top Ways to Build Credit for Your Wedding

DC Party Bus Rental

Just like DC Limo Service, credit has become essential for the modern world; great credit affords us many more options when it comes to purchasing and financing the things we need. From buying appliances, to vehicles, or even buying a new home, good credit is certainly something that you’ll want to have. The upside is, if you don’t have any credit, building credit isn’t as impossible as everyone makes it out to be. The key is to be consistent. We’ll help make it as easy as reserving a DC Party Bus Rental.

DC Limo Service

Your first move should be to set aside some money for a secured credit card. You create your own credit limit, usually these cards have a minimum of $200. You pay the credit card company the amount you’d like your card to be for, but unlike a gift card, you still have to pay for what you use, it’s not until you close the account that you get back your initial payment that defined the credit limit. Discover secured card offers cashback on purchases, who knows, you may be able to use it for your next DC Limo Rental.

Within a few months after getting a secured card, you’ll probably start getting offers in the mail from various credit cards.

DC Party Bus

Grab a couple DC Limos and pay for them credit. Often people are scared to use their credit cards too much, so try to find one specific area you’ll use it on. For example, only using credit for gas, DC Party Bus rentals, work supplies—etc.

Consider reporting your rent. Filing what you have paid for rent with companies like Rental Kharma and RentTrack, may be able to give the upper hand when purchasing a new home.

Most of all, like our Party Bus DC loves, be consistent. Call us today at 800-942-6281


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